Fiji Haritage Day at SFO City Hall
Honorary Consulate Dr. Narayan Raju organized a nice event called the FIJI HERITAGE DAY at San Francisco City Hall at Mayor Gavin Newsom's office Oct 8, 2010 at 10.30AM. About 20 Fiji Americans and Mayo's protocal staff attended the celebration with hoisting of Fiji Flag.
Speaking to the guests, Dr. Raju gave a brief background of Fiji Day. Former Suva City Lord Mayor and Assistant Polce Chief Ratu Meli expalined how Fiji had to be ceded to Great Britain for damage to a small warehouse that belonged to USA more than 100 years. When Fiji could not pay what was initally a $15,000 damaged but escalted to $45, 000 claim, the the "so called" King Ratu Cakabau ceded Fiji
to Britain in lieu of the damage.
Below Ratu Meli Vakarawakubau adresses the gathetring at San Francisco Mayor Newsome's Office.