Humanity International.US
Hi Sue, It was a pleasure meeting you today which led to visiting the EmpowerThe UniteNations website and this blog.I have also signed up as a new member and look forward to actively participating in the meetings and activities.I wanted share with all readers that I am from the Fiji Islands which has been plagued by multiple military coups in the past two decades which in is a violation of human rights and against the democractic process. It boils down to peace and social justice.In addtion, I am a member of the world-wide peace-loving Ahmadiyya Muslim Associattion a group that has been persecuted, jailed, murdered in its own home country Pakistan and more recently Indonisea and Bangladesh.It is troubling for me to be have been subjected the coup culture and persecuted on the basis faith eating right into our basic human rights.I also lead Humanity International Us as an advocacy for social, economic and human liberties which is where we come on the same page.An interfaith activitist i...